Simply the best way to
Learn Guitar
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Best way for kids to learn
When young kids first start learning guitar they face a few challenges. The main problems they face are physical strength and dexterity. We start kids as young as 6 years on acoustic guitar, up to teaching students of all ages, with single note songs they recognise and gradually increase the level. All our kids learn to read music and always work from a musical score. The advantages of kids learning to read music and play are vast. Research shows, children who start individual music theory lessons developed a better awareness of their “aim” and “force” in relation to their own motor skills as well as improving their “fluid intelligence” – which is the ability to solve new problems, use logic in new situations, and identify patterns.

Go from good to great
Intermediate Rock Guitar
There is a notable progression that all guitarists go through. It’s the transition from beginner to intermediate. Moving from the traditional single note piece to multiple note and chord playing takes a dedicated teacher to recognise and mentor their students through it. Once our students reach this level we transition them to a C.A.G.E.D. style of playing. There are so many benefits this gives them, but mostly the break away from the first four frets and branches into soloing, bar chords and a freedom to understand and explore the rest of the guitar neck. Our multi-styled approach to learning teaches guitar playing to a standard which continues to outperform time and time again.

“I just want to say that you’ve been such an amazing and dedicated teacher. In only 3 classes I’ve learnt so much, it’s all so interesting
Thank you so much, I’m very grateful for your time and patience with me.”
“Thank you so much for all your time and patience, you gave me more than just lessons, you also gave me valuable life lessons. I am really thankful for everything you have done.”
Just wanted to thank you all for another wonderful year, I know Sybella has
Elite Music
Experts in Music
“It was AMAZING!!! …Lots of wet eyes and tears of happiness. I got through it perfectly and will tell you more on Wednesday. Thank you so much for all the support and guidance AND teaching me... there is absolutely no way I could have done it without you!!!
It was such a pleasure to receive your report which made it very clear in a real sense that there have been significant gains. You have a rare balance of tapping into your
Many thanks for everything
“The concert was wonderful, an absolute credit to all your efforts and your team which just reinforced what a great choice we made sending Soph to you and your school.”
All Programs
Kids Lessons
Guitar Lessons for beginners and Kids guitar lessons should be approached differently to guitar lessons for adults. There is a great opportunity to teach them how to read music. A young mind learns fast and taking the time to teach them single note pieces from a musical score gives them confidence and skills that chord playing doesn't. Once they get these skills down we move them onto intermediate lessons and contemporary songs. The amazing thing is they take these reading skills with them. They find it so rewarding being able to come out of each lesson playing a new song they recognise and know rather than just strumming away at chords. Reading musical notes is like reading words in a book. Its a skill that lasts for ever.
We need to build the passion and confidence first, whilst building solid, transferable musical concepts. With kids, we build a real musical education, a true solid groundwork that impacts all areas of their cognitive, fine motor and social learning future. The benefits a young child gets from learning the language of music is like learning a second or third spoken language. Its so rewarding as a teacher to see a young child read and successfully read and play a piece of music they have never seen or heard before.
Intermediate Lessons
When most intermediate guitar players first come to us they don't know how to read music. They are missing so many simple, yet important pieces of the puzzle. Often they think it's hard and beyond them, which is simply not true. So many players can shred up and down the neck and have great physical skills but don't understand how chords are made, or what scales and modes are. So much of what they have learnt is rote learnt. Built up from patterns and shapes and not actually gaining a full understanding of what they are doing.
Often they think that playing guitar professionally is about being fast, or having great gear, but in reality, when they get their first session gig and the producer hands them the music and counts them in, they simply don't have the education to do the work.
Our aim is to create amazing musicians who understand and have complete control over what they play, not just play fast and messy. Learn how to understand songwriting and soloing. Understand how to actually play the guitar, not just memorising shapes and patterns. Get the right training first time so you don't waste years just learning AC/DC cover songs on electric guitar.
Advanced Players
All of our teachers at Elite Music are incredibly advanced players, highly trained and educated musicians. At Elite Music we purposely have extremely high standards for our teachers, therefore ensuring they have the skills and experience to mentor advanced players and hone their skills. We focus on extreme detail within their playing, running difficult and challenging exercises, thereby forcing them to radically improve their technique. There is so much value that comes from looking at new ways to choose notes and get them to question better ways to approach note choice and runs.
We love to take advanced, good players and make them great players. Solid technical knowledge, amazing dexterity, pulling techniques from related styles and blend technical approaches from a variety of styles.
Studio H0urs
Monday-Friday: 10am – 8pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed